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Maria Duran Fellowship Application

To honor the memory of Maria M. Duran, MD, former Secretary-General and Executive Vice-President of the International Society of Dermatology, the Maria M. Duran Committee wishes to recognize potential future female leaders in international dermatology by awarding the Maria Duran Fellowship. Two to Four fellowships will be given this year. The awardees will be required to submit a recorded oral presentation of their abstract for the ISD Maria Duran Session at the WorldCongress of Dermatology in Singapore, July 3-8, 2023. 


Deadline for Applications is January 31, 2023.

Meeting:  World Congress of Dermatology Presenters will need to register for WCD. 
Place:     Singapore
Dates:     July 3-8, 2023


  • Female residents in dermatology or within one year of training completion/board examinations.
  • Preference will be given to those from third world countries.
  • A Letter of recommendation from the Chair of the applicant’s training program and a letter from the applicant's local/ regional/national dermatologic society.
  • Preference given to ISD members at the time of application
  • Proficiency in English to deliver presentation at the meeting (date and time to be determined).
  • Agreement to prepare a report for the ISD Connection Newsletter about the meeting she attended.
  • Preference will be given for topics focusing on women/children


  • You must submit an abstract with your application. 
  • Letter of endorsement.
  • Description of why you would like to attend the meeting.
  • Brief biography (not a complete CV).
Please complete the form below:
First Name *
Last Name *
City *
Country *
Telephone *
Email *
Gender *
Date of Birth (Please spell month) *
Please upload proof of age from your passport including photo.
Medical School Attended: *
Year of Graduation *
Dermatology Residency Program: *
Years of Training: *
Dermatology Board Examination (year completed or anticipated) *
Please list any dermatology fellowships you have received:
(Maximum characters: 2000)
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Please list any regional/international meetings you have attended in the last three years.
(Maximum characters: 2000)
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Publications, if any:
(Maximum characters: 2000)
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Chair of Dermatology Department where you trained/are training or are currently working *
Department Chair's Email
Please upload a letter of support from your Dermatology Department. Submit as MS Word or PDF only.
Name of Society submitting reference on your behalf. *
Please upload the letter from your national or local society.
Personal Statement about why you think this fellowship will benefit you and what you might present at the meeting. Include a short biosketch of yourself. Limit of 2000 characters. *
(Maximum characters: 2000)
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Abstract Title: *
Please type (or cut and paste) your abstract below. Limit of 2000 characters. *
(Maximum characters: 2000)
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