The Regional Meeting Committee's purpose is to support meetings to improve the health of the country/region of the application through the education of dermatologists and to encourage meeting attendees to join the global ISD community of members.
By co-sponsoring various national and regional dermatological meetings, the ISD intends to:
Applications will be accepted for both in-person and virtual meetings.
Funding up to $5000 will be provided for in-person meetings and up to $1000 for virtual meetings. Meetings that change from in-person to virtual meeting will be funded as virtual meetings. Virtual meetings must have a minimum of 100 participants.
The deadline for applications will be at least 6 months in advance of the meeting, however, since there is a limit of 5 funded meetings per year and only one per country per year, the committee requests that applications be submitted by November 1, 2023 for meetings held in 2024.
Regional Meeting support may include a monetary grant based upon the proposal and its budget. ISD will also advertise the meeting on our website and in appropriate ISD publications.
For an application form and more information, click here.
To complete the Final Report from your Regional Meeting, click here
Upcoming meetings are listed on the ISD calendar of events.
A partial list of past meetings include: