Global Education Award Recipients Share Their Experiences
The following are some excerpts and comments e-mailed to the society’s office after the meeting. They reflect the positive experiences and the tangible personal benefits of supporting this enterprise. They have been edited for publication.
"It was a great pleasure for me to attend such an extraordinary event. First of all, I was impressed by the multiple possibilities the World Congress offered. The session about "South American dermatoses" was my personal highlight. Therefore I tried to attend especially sessions with uncommon diseases, which are not often found in Europe. The plenary sessions were very impressive. I especially remember one Psoriasis meeting. In general I found the idea of writting questions from the audience to the podium helpful and interactive. I enjoyed the social events very much including the opening and, even more, the closing ceremony, where I had the opportunity to meet and talk to high class dermatologists from all over the world. I met colleagues from the U. S., Great Britain, Israel, and Germany and had contact with other scholarship winners from Bratislava and Lithuania, which was very inspiring. During the congress I got the opportunity to attend the tango lessons, which was great fun. Altogether a fruitful week of various positive impressions."
Dr. med. Tanja Maier
München, Germany
"I want to thank you so much for giving me the chance to go to the Congress through this scholarship. It was my first international congress and was an amazing experience meeting real first level investigators and clinical dermatologist from all over the world.
The congress was well-organized, all the conferences, rooms and posters were clearly marked, the speakers were internationally recognized in their areas, and the social events were great. It was also an important opportunity to meet different people and make friendships"
Fernando Valenzuela
Santiago, Chile
"The congress was very interesting for me and gave me the opportunity to change some things in my operating methods. I am especially interested in dermatologic surgery: oncologic and aesthetic both.
The Congress also gave me the opportunity to meet colleagues from other countries, especially from North and South America. I have created some contacts with the possibility to go to learn from them in the future."
Paolo Sbano
Sienna, Italy
"I would like to thank the ISD for this great opportunity to participate in this wonderful event. I attended many sessions especially in immunodermatology, oncology and also aesthetic dermatology.
I had never seen a world congress before and I think that ISD gave to us young dermatologist the opportunity to improve our knowledge. I will remember this experience for my life and my career. I hope I can repeat this experience very soon, maybe in Korea in 2011."
Lucilla Melani
Florence, Italy
"I was pleased to go to the 21st World Congress of Dermatology, Buenos Aires, Argentina, especially by an ISD scholarship. Having this scholarship is the most honorable way to go, because it considers our work and not an industry relationship. Meeting so many partners from all over the world that think similarly and work to achieve the same goals is most valuable. I think that one of the best experiences was having lunch on September 30, with people from Chile, Argentina and Malaysia. Also, it was surprising to meet the people that write what we read in the journals and books. Not just names, but real people.
I understand that the ISD has a special concern for young dermatology women from the developing world: congratulations!!! Facts are better than words. This scholarship, won by presenting a poster, also allowed my group to win a Certificate of Recognition in the category “Photobiology and phototherapy / Immunology / Molecular biology - skin biology / Urticaria and mast cell disorders”, which is a great honor.
Thank you for this wonderful experience,"
Alejandra Larre Borges
Montevideo, Uruguay
"The World Congress of Dermatology was great for me and my colleagues from Brazil.
I was deeply immersed in scientific issues, interacting with the most important dermatologists around the world.
I especially remember the outstanding sessions on teledermatology, image analysis, immunomodulation, sclerotic diseases, connective tissue diseases, drug reactions, severe infectious diseases, what's new and genomics.
The posters were also great and I'll share several new concepts with my friends and patients from Brazil.
Thanks you to the ISD for providing me this opportunity."
Hélio Amante Miot
Botucatu, Brazil
"I was one of the scholarship recipients and my study for master degree is about Sporotrichosis. It was really nice to hear lectures about it and to learn new diagnostic methods. Watching sessions taught by important dermatologist was incredible!!
Thanks again to ISD for the scholarship!"
Karin Sayuri Ussui Yamada
São Paulo, Brazil
"In general, the meeting was interesting and motivating. We attended some very interesting conferences and we could also witness the great atmosphere that we could breathe with a very diverse group of people and a common denominator in our passion for dermatology."
Benedicto Villagrán Valenzuela
"I would truly like to thank the ISD for this wonderful opportunity to attend the WCD in Buenos Aires. The meeting was superb and it was a delightful experience to have personal contact with those speakers who make the difference in their areas of research."
Omar Lupi
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
"First of all I would like to thank to the International Society of Dermatology for the wonderful opportunity to participate in the 21st World Congress of Dermatology. It was a delight to see such a well organized program, and even more to hear all the main professors of Dermatology around the world together in this event.
I also enjoyed being able to present my research during the Congress, and moreover the fact that the chairman that coordinated the “Miscellaneous III” block, was a very kind and full of experience professor, in particular at the area of Tropical Medicine.
Thank you again for all your help and support,"
Guadalupe E. Estrada-Chavez MD
Acapulco, Mexico
"I am very grateful for the opportunity to take part in the 21st World Congress of Dermatology. It was a splendid chance for young specialists to be „on pulse“ in dermatology and to know the directions of modern scientific research. Meeting colleagues from many countries with different experience is the globalization of dermatology. The scientific program was excellent with leading experts and valuable lectures in all sessions I attended."
Aiste Beliauskiene
Kaunas, Lithuania
"It was an unforgettable experience because it was the first time that I attended a World Congress. Thank you to the International Society of Dermatology for helping me get the scholarship because without your help it would be impossible to participate in any event outside my country.
"It was a great honor and pleasure for me to participate in the 21st World Congress of Dermatology. For the first time in my life I had my oral presentation as an Invited Speaker during such an important event. Also I listened many interesting presentations and met many famous dermatologists. Except my specific interest in some fields of researches I was really impressed by information about the current status of leprosy in different countries. I realized the majority of our doctors including myself could think it is mostly an archaic disease. But my country, Ukraine, is on the way of migrants from East to West and such patients may appear. It was very interesting for me to get acquainted with other ISD Grants recipients from different parts of the World and to learn more about life in their native countries in general and dermatology in particular. I think that I can cordially thank the International Society of Dermatology and personally all those who organize this initiative on behalf of young dermatologists whose successful participation in the 21st WCD was supported by ISD. "
Pavel Chernyshov
"I would like to thank the International Society of Dermatology for the rare opportunity to attend the World Congress and present my poster. My parents, family and friends were all proud to learn that I was a scholarship recipient of the ISD.
Things which stood out in my mind were receiving my certificate from Torello Lotti. I only read his chapters in books, for example his book on chemical peels. Now I am shaking hands with him and standing beside him. I also attended the women's dermatology dinner at the Four Seasons. Being a guy I thought I would be out of place. But there were other guys there and the women were gracious, intelligent and fun. I imagined I would be talking about interesting dermatology cases or what's new in therapeutics. To my happy surprise, we did not talk about dermatology or medicine. We talked about where we have traveled or about family. Having my picture taken with Dr. Jean Bolognia was a special moment for me. She was so nice and accommodating. This congress gave me the opportunity to meet other dermatologist from the Philippines who I have not met before as well as develop stronger relationships with the ones I already knew. Spending time with my consultant, Dr. Evangeline Handog, in Buenos Aires has shown me she is more than just a bright dermatologist. I am Dr. Handog's 3rd year resident and we hardly get to spend time in a non-academic settings. She was like our mother in Buenos Aires. She took all the residents from RITM on a tour of Buenos Aires. She arranged for us to see a Tango show at Senor Tango. And of course we went shopping and all ate together as a group. It was good bonding time for all of us."
Ivan A. Singzon
"The highlights of the congress were both academic and social. I enjoyed all the lectures given by the ISD scholars at the Sheraton on September 30. It gave us an opportunity to see the different disease conditions affecting countries the world over. Things we may read about in the books, but I appreciate better now because of these lectures.
I found the "What's New?" to be the most informative and the most interesting. It stood out among the rest in capturing my attention as it truly gave out "new" information. Many of these lectures were standing-room-only and I had to peek through the heads of the audience.
Another good lecture was Dr. Dedee Murrell on ethnic skin. She is truly a good lecturer. I also liked the lecture of Dr. Leslie Baumann on cosmetic dermatology.
As for the social events, the presentations during the opening ceremony were outstanding. Tango is such a romantic dance to watch and I was captivated by the skill of all the dancers. One dance I can not forget was the native dance similar to tap dancing. It was truly a sight to see! I had a great time watching that!
The closing party was also great. I got to meet several big names in the international community. I meet Dr. Maldonado, Dr. Stephen Stone, Dr. Dedee Murrell, Dr. Dowlati, etc to name just a few. Never in my wildest dream did I expect to meet these people who are such nice people while also being luminaries in the international community. I had my pictures taken with them which will be good "bragging" material to my co-residents here in Manila."
Maria Suzanne L. Datuin, MD
"I feel really very excited to be able to participate in the congress. The scientic sessions were very complete and there were so many interesting topics that it was difficult to choose which to enter. I could listen to very important professors and even took my picture with some of them. I could listen to dermatoses classifications that I’ve never heard before and learned new treatments.
I met people from several countries and I learned about their cultures and their work as dermatologist in their countries. I had to practice my English in some cases. It was a pleasure to know Cindy. She was always very kind and always doing her job.
I really want to thank you for this opportunity. It was motivating for me to meet a lot of excellent dermatologist and now I am inspired and motivated to study more, create research and to become a better dermatologist in my country. Thank you so much!"
Miriam Azucena Hernández Rousselin
"I am writing to thank the ISD for giving me the possibility to be part of the 21st World Congress of Dermatology in Buenos Aires, Argentina, my country. Being part of this important event made me extremely proud and happy since it was the first of its type organized in South America. Its six days, including the ancillary meeting, were full of science, friendship and enthusiasm; the incredible scientific level of the dissertations, especially those related to pediatric dermatology that interest me the most were extremely interesting and motivating. These events improve our profession and provide us new diagnostic and therapeutic tools destined for the benefit of our patients."
Cecilia Farrero
San Luis, Argentina